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Web Sekers Objects

Sekers Objects

Exhibitions Take Part

Sunday 2 February - Thursday 27 February


TENT - St Peter’s Community Hall

Family Take Part

Wednesday 12th February, 15:00

Kind Wellcome 2

Welcome Hub

Take Part

Monday 17th February, 10:00

Sumart To Do Web

SumArt To Do - Sekers Objects

Family Take Part Exhibitions

Wednesday 19th February, 13:00

Artist Lab Family Day Rosehill005 Min

TENT Forest at Haig Pit

Family Take Part

Sunday 23rd February, 9th March, 23rd March

Singing For Joy 1710950547

Singing for Joy

Take Part

Thursday 27th February, 12:00


Practical Photography for the Serious Amateur

Take Part

Tuesdays, 20 May - 01 July (break 10 June)


Studio Lighting - a taster workshop

Take Part

Saturday 1st March, 11:00

Our funders.


Tracey Collier-White - 2024-10-12

Brilliant show. Lovely quaint theatre. First time visit will be looking to go again.

Tim Singleton - 2024-05-08

First time in this place.Had an enjoyable evening watching a tribute band. Friendly atmosphere, Staff excellent. And a very nice venue.

Dorothy Palmer - 2023-07-09

Lovely little theatre with a very varied programme. Good bar, and a lovely atmosphere.

Helen Conolly - 2023-07-08

An intimate, cosy and comfortable theatre. Friendly and helpful staff. Pleasant bar area.
Rosehill consistently provides fantastic shows. We are fortunate to attract such talented performers to visit our theatre.

John Shallcross - 2023-07-07

Excellent productions in a friendly first class theatre. I haven't been disappointed, yet.

Peter Hinde - 2023-07-06

Superb venue, clean, and the theatre is beautiful. Saw a film for the first time last night, sound and picture were awesome. Highly recommended.

Linda Tranter - 2023-07-05

Rosehill is a hidden gem. The theatre is special and makes you feel as if you are going some where special.