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Community singing day is a hit

Mahogany Opera welcomed participants from across Cumbria to a special Community Singing Day at Rosehill on Saturday 21 January 2023, as part of The Great Learning project.

Here are some of the wonderful things the participants had to say after the event!

"I loved being sur­round­ed by so many cre­ative and open-mind­ed peo­ple, all will­ing to expose their emo­tions and vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties, made pos­si­ble I'm sure because it felt like a very safe space."

"I felt that togeth­er we had achieved some­thing I would nev­er have imag­ined pos­si­ble — the idea of actu­al­ly cre­at­ing the out­lines of a per­for­mance in just one day, with a group of peo­ple who did­n't know each oth­er pre­vi­ous­ly is incred­i­ble. I had such a great feel­ing of achieve­ment. And it was huge fun along the way too."

"I was quite astound­ed by how many ideas we had explored and how much con­tent we had created."

"It was a priv­i­lege to be lead by such a high cal­i­bre team. We often think the North West gets for­got­ten in terms of qual­i­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ty com­pared to the south. We were cer­tain­ly work­ing with the A‑listers."

See more about the day here: https://mahoganyopera.co.uk/explore-more/community-singing-day-in-pictures


Our funders.


Dorothy Palmer - 2023-07-09

Lovely little theatre with a very varied programme. Good bar, and a lovely atmosphere.

Helen Conolly - 2023-07-08

An intimate, cosy and comfortable theatre. Friendly and helpful staff. Pleasant bar area.
Rosehill consistently provides fantastic shows. We are fortunate to attract such talented performers to visit our theatre.

John Shallcross - 2023-07-07

Excellent productions in a friendly first class theatre. I haven't been disappointed, yet.

Linda Tranter - 2023-07-05

Rosehill is a hidden gem. The theatre is special and makes you feel as if you are going some where special.

Peter Hinde - 2023-07-06

Superb venue, clean, and the theatre is beautiful. Saw a film for the first time last night, sound and picture were awesome. Highly recommended.