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Volunteer profile - Maureen Monkhouse

For her Volunteers' Week profile, Maureen surprises us with a super Formula One related tale and lets us into a little secret about a cellist's choice of outfit!

Name Maureen Monkhouse

Age 68

Where do you live? Whitehaven

Where did you work? I was a primary school teacher until I retired in 2007. The last school I worked in was Moresby Primary School where I was the early years and Key Stage 1 teacher, also special educational needs co-ordinator.

How long have you volunteered at Rosehill? 13 years.

Why did you decide to get involved? I have always supported Rosehill by attending music, theatre and film events. When I retired I thought I could offer some of my time as a volunteer to do whatever jobs needed doing and meet new people.

What are your main responsibilities? I usually work as an usher, very often with events involving schools. I also enjoy supporting the Taking Part craft activities.

What do you enjoy most about the role? I enjoy meeting staff, other volunteers and members of the public. Through volunteering at Rosehill I have developed friendships with people I may not otherwise have met.

Share with us a memorable experience since you've volunteered for Rosehill I was once ushering for a classical music event. When the quartet were getting changed prior to the performance, the cellist realised she hadn't put the skirt she was going to wear into her case and only had a pair of jeans. We were about the same size so I drove home, brought a couple of outfits for her to try and she was able to appear on stage in time, suitably dressed and the audience were none the wiser!

Other than volunteering, what do you do in your free time? I have had no difficulty filling my time since retirement. I am a member of U3A, an avid reader and I enjoy travel, walking, gardening, crafting, cooking and also entertaining friends for dinner (some of these only when permitted again, of course).

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that we might be surprised to learn! I have long been a great fan of Formula One and for a birthday present my husband once booked me on a racing driver's course. I drove a Formula Ford racing car, beating the rest of the field who were all testosterone-charged young men; they were not amused!

What does Rosehill mean to you? Rosehill has an amazing history and links with some of the most high-profile people in the arts world. It is now looking to continue this into the future as a quality arts provider with new facilities, it's good to be a part of that.

What would you say to anyone interested in becoming a volunteer? Do it. You'll meet some lovely people.

  • To find out more about volunteering with Rosehill, email our house manager Matt Rae at the link below.

Email Matt Rae at matt.rae@rosehilltheatre.co.uk

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Dorothy Palmer - 2023-07-09

Lovely little theatre with a very varied programme. Good bar, and a lovely atmosphere.

Helen Conolly - 2023-07-08

An intimate, cosy and comfortable theatre. Friendly and helpful staff. Pleasant bar area.
Rosehill consistently provides fantastic shows. We are fortunate to attract such talented performers to visit our theatre.

John Shallcross - 2023-07-07

Excellent productions in a friendly first class theatre. I haven't been disappointed, yet.

Linda Tranter - 2023-07-05

Rosehill is a hidden gem. The theatre is special and makes you feel as if you are going some where special.

Peter Hinde - 2023-07-06

Superb venue, clean, and the theatre is beautiful. Saw a film for the first time last night, sound and picture were awesome. Highly recommended.