Singing for Joy
Our Singing for Joy sessions with lead vocalist Cathy Marcangelo are specially curated sessions that aim to support those suffering from dementia. There are over 850,000 people in the UK who live with a form of dementia. For these people, and their families what’s essential is to find the best way of living with their dementia. Cathy is well known locally through her hugely successful local choir - Committed To Rock and has a sung all over the world, her wealth of knowledge and talent is second to none!
These relaxed sessions are supported by Cumberland Council, Rosehill Theatre, Dobies Charitable Trust and Finn Family Fund and participants are signposted by Cumberland Council's Social Prescribing Team. Refreshments and cake will be provided at the beginning of the session, people are welcome to bring their own snacks or lunch.
For further information and to see about you or a loved one joining Singing for Joy, call Emma on 0300 373 3730 (Social prescribing team)