Online donations
Donations go towards helping us create art and culture for our communities.
Supporting Rosehill helps us to deliver arts for everyone, whether living here, working, learning, or visiting. You can make a one-off donation of your choice, or choose to receive Rosehill rewards by donating monthly.
£10 per month
A thank you on our website
Updates and insights through dedicated newsletters and e-bulletins
£15 per month
All of the above and…
An invitation to an annual party
Advance notice of major events and performances (so that you can be ready to book early!)
£25 per month
All of the above and…
The opportunity to meet performers backstage at events specified by Rosehill.
An invitation for you and a guest to attend a significant event at Rosehill.
£1000 p.a or more
All of the above and…
An additional 3 guest invitations to a significant event at Rosehill with hospitality.
An annual get-together with Rosehill’s Chair, Board members and CEO to celebrate and share ideas and plans.
Make a donation in your will
By making a gift to Rosehill in your will you can help transform lives long into the future. Your gift will make a difference, whatever the size.
If you’re planning to include Rosehill in your will, we recommend that you talk with your solicitor or legal advisor to decide how best to make the gift.